The Country Learning Path, taught by 2 top TrueFire instructors, Corey Congilio and Jason Loughlin, will have you up and playing as quickly as possible. The course begins with a classic country alternating bass rhythm and a single note country melody to help you get your twang on.
The next step will be to learn a bass line walkup which will link your country chords together. You’ll also learn three new strumming patterns and a bass line walkup which will help you spice up any tune.
You’ll then move into movable barre chords which will open up more country music songs as you learn to apply them to classic country songs.
What do you hope to accomplish as a guitarist?
Is your goal to be able to play and sing at the same time? Do you want to be a great guitar soloist like Tommy Emmanuel? Is your dream to play in a Country band and make it big in Nashville? No matter your goals, find a guitarist that can play at a higher level than where you are trying to get to.
This is where TrueFire shines. Their instructors are experienced guitarists in their own right. Many are GRAMMY winners or top studio guitarists. They are guitarists who can take you to where you want to go if you’ll put in the work.
Decide where you want to go as a guitarist. Focus on that goal instead of trying to do everything at once. Allow TrueFire’s instructors to help you reach your goal. After going through the beginning lessons you may decide you want to go a different direction, such as, playing bass or rock guitar.
Is it going to take work?
Absolutely!! Weight out the cost in time and energy. If you are willing to put in the time and effort the TrueFire instructors will help you achieve your goal.
If you need some one-on-one help, TrueFire has private lessons to help you get over the hump and on your way to success.
Yes, the private lesson does cost more, but it is nothing like having to pay for private lessons one-on-one near where you live.
I did some research on how much private lessons cost on average from $225 per lesson to $40 per lesson. With private lessons, you do not have video lessons and jam tracks to play with. You have a music book and it’s up to you to remember how the teacher said to play it.
I took private lessons for years. Sometimes I would remember how the teacher said to play the lessons and other times I wouldn’t. If not, we’d be on the same material for weeks until I got it right.
TrueFire’s private lessons give you a video and documentation of the instructor’s comments and what he said to change. Trust me. It is far better to have video lessons than one-on-one private lessons.