As with all the First Steps, in each music style, the first course is FREE, no credit card required. It’s FREE. It’s designed to have you playing quickly.
Step-by-step high-def videos provide the foundation and building blocks you need to quickly learn how to move to the next step in your playing guitar.
You already know how to play some, RIGHT? The Quick Start class will have you up and running quickly with less time spent relearning the basics.
No matter where you are as a guitarist, the Learning Paths will take your playing to the next level with an accelerated, hands-on study plan.
VOCALS A PLUS is a fast-track singing course designed specifically for guitar players who already understand the principles of music.
TrueFire has amassed over 40,000 video guitar lessons and 700 full courses specializing in advanced and intermediate guitar lessons.
Whether you cover, arrange, compose or perform songs, this 8-hour collection of 17 mini-masterclasses will enrich your musicality.
“Practice, practice, practice.” We’ve all heard this hundreds of times. Yet, no matter how hard or how long we practice, we don’t seem to get better.
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